Written by Versie C.
June 20, 2018
Illegal immigration has ripped this country apart. Suffice to say various members of the Democratic Party have used their political influence with the media to substantiate and support their total disregard for the American people. To disguise their lawlessness, they have used their media to legitimize their stance on illegal immigration under the guise of a humanitarian approach, while disobeying federal laws, for one ethnic group. You have to ask yourself?
Are Democratics trying to use illegal immigration as a Humanitarian approach to justify their lawlessness?
Many black people and/or African Americans are not surprised at the audacity of certain Democratics go to against the law of the land, and usher in illegal immigrants. The Democratics know the impact illegal immigration has on the economy as a whole in swelling our budgets, and social services. In addition, these escalating numbers are taxing on all Americans, not to mention the much needed social programs, as well all other resources including social security. In the meantime, the Democratics seem to overlook, as well as turn a blind eye to a country with over 50% of Americans who are on some type of assistance. Americans are struggling with job lost, high unemployment, high foreclosure rates, inequality, poverty, homelessness, inequality, and a burgeoning prison population etc America is on the brink of financial ruin. America borrows from China to keep itself abreast. While the statistics are overwhelming for Americans as a whole, for black Americans those rates are tripled, and the severity is devastating. On the other hand, these same democrats created a war on blacks under the guise of a war on drugs, to a bogus illegal child support law against the precepts of the constitution. They continually institute unfair laws aimed primarily at blacks to destroy the fabric of their communities, i.e., the Black family. Their bold display of ethnic. racial discrimination, and entitlement for one group, as opposed to African Americans, is a slap in the face. Suffice to say, just as we are advised to be smart consumers, we should also be smart media consumers. We should not be led astray by a biased, ill informed media. I am dismayed at Blacks, because we as a people, as well as our communities are stereotyped everyday. As a result, we should know better than to “believe the hype” so to speak, without researching further. Majority of Americans have a computer or a smart phone, and included in that majority are low to no incomers. In other words, everyone has a smart phone. We have the opportunity to do our own research, and form our own opinions. We don’t have to be misled anymore. We have the opportunity to be able to view both and all sides of any argument, not just one of the few pre-televised rehearsed news channels. So while they want us to be smart consumers; doesn’t it stand to reason that we apply that precept of being a smart and informed consumer to what we hear and are led to believe by a media with a hidden agenda? We should stop jumping on their fake and biased news agenda, and stay off that bandwagon. Ironically, these democratics have knowledge to the same statistics and information as we do, yet they choose to bury it deep and made us believe issues contrary to the truth. Let’s look at the facts, shall we?
If you would like to read more please see: https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/amnesty-breaking-social-security-bank
It is amazing how these illegal immigrants can put their own children in harms way, and then Democrats have the gall to make the border patrol the villain, to help them gain a foothold in America. America has bent over backwards accomodating the Hispanics, to a point where now we have to press “1” for English. Oftimes, in order to get a job, we have to be SPANISH bilingual to get a job in our own country. Those illegal immigrants who the Democrats have portrayed as victims are living better than some blacks did.
Have they no shame? They could care less about the well being of blacks children, but are sickened by illegal immigrant children who were put in a compromising position by their own parents. If a Black person would have did this, they children would have been taken by DCFS?
It is time for a change. It is tme we stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and lied to by political parties, with self motiviated agendas