Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere, BEWARE is an online activism site that addresses systemic racism, laws, policies and/or procedures that adversely affect African Americans.  BEWARE will address laws, policies and/or procedures that adversely affect African Americans.  Our mission is to exercise our equal justice rights, as well as our First Amendment freedoms online.  Online activism is less expensive, and with the influence of social media is far-reaching. 

BEWARE is a site that was formed for women to become actively involved in addressing the problems African Americans face, and especially our youth and males.  BEWARE is comprised of African American Women from all walks of life. We are educated academically, spiritually, and from the experiences of everyday life.  

BEWARE will use our First Amendment rights to pressure our lawmakers to act upon amending and or abolishing laws, polices and/or procedures that have adversely affected Black lives, and have caused more harm than good to the black community.  

BEWARE will utilize best practices for collecting online signatures.  

Photo by Photo by clemens-van-la on unsplash

BEWARE‘s  mission is to challenge, and initiate amending or abolishing laws, policies and/or procedures directly aimed at African Americans.   These laws, policies and/or procedures have done, and are continuing to do more harm than good to African Americans. Our ultimate mission will be to stop and/or change policies that have negatively impacted African Americans through our constitutional right of redress. 

BEWARE will also challenge for changes to other forms of racism that tend to disguise themselves to make it more acceptable.    

BEWARE will also address black political opportunists who have swayed away from African American concerns and issues. BEWARE will also confront, address and work to change how living in a racist society has inadvertently left some blacks with the Stockholm Syndrome, where racism from within is practiced amongst African Americans.


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