African Americans a/k/a/ Black folks and/or Black Hebrews have been redefined, and are now referred to as “people of color”. This new phraseology according to systemic racism is nothing more than a bandwagon effect.
A bandwagon effect means:
“The bandwagon effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people do something primarily because other people are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, which they may ignore or override. . .”
That being said, the politicians start the phenomenon through their actions and subtle statements. Then the far-reaching media picks it up and spits it out to the public as they form a public opinion (they are the pushers); then the public jumps on it and keeps it going. Hence a “bandwagon effect”. Says who?
The majority of the stereotypes are generated by way of racism and/or systemic racism, (i.e. psychosocial, genetics, or government institutionalized) (both are one in the some systematic or good others are fashioned back in the day KKK, hate your guts racism). These people had kids. Hate will always be hate whether you sleep with the enemy or not. Just like Narcissists can’t change, so is racism. Why else has hate and racism existed since the taking of a country? At some point people have to reach down and be honest, instead of blaming the victim or kicking the can. You can’t regulate people to change their hearts. At most you can keep them separate but equal so they can retain they sense of decency and culture and not conform to another races standard of beauty while debasing them for their beauty that everyone else wants. It is abuse and slavery psychological abuse.
One is on a personal level, i.e., everyday people, the other is the system meaning rule makers, enforcers, etc.) as well as profiling of African Americans, oftimes generated by the news media like Hitler did. Hate is usually reinforced by the system (a system comprised of employees of government, lawyers, laws, rules, order, institutions, jobs, etc).
All systemic racist reinforcers follow a regime that is protected by a government on they treat black folks. They kill us, and then try to act like they want to save us. They hate us and try to act like they love us, but as a narcissist it is all an act. orget to mention that television stations are controlled by certain people and parties. All that put together equals a hot mess. The misinterpreted biblical scholars use “love your enemy” but seem to overlook that the black hebrews will be hated by all nations which is where we are in America in a land of immigrants.
To add insult to injury, some, if not the majority of television is associated with certain politicians and/or parties. You know the stations, who seem to promote a sleuth of misinformation, and stereotypes.
I thought to a certain degree that television was a form of journalism, or is it? Isn’t journalism supposed to be unbiased? Isn’t that a part of the journalism oath?
Now according to the powers that be for whatever reason, it appears that the televised news oftimes sways the minds of viewers. A time and tested marketing strategy.
Let’s look at the new name for African Americans, promoted by television, and/or the media, i.e., “people of color”. As a result of the BS comes a bandwagon effect, and everyone will join in. Here we go. Like rappers calling us the N word to create a bandwagon effect.
But wait if we go from an African American to “people of color”, does it stand to reason that white folks should be termed “people of no color” and/or “blanco”.
You know, beginning in 2019 to the present the media has been dangling the carrot to keep referring to African Americans as “people of color”. This is something that makes me go hmmm because if the media is supposedly unbiased.
The media is systematically removing our identity away from African Americans, Black Hebrews and/or Blacks, with this new label as “people of color”. What kind of crap is that? On the flip side of that is why don’t they refer to white folks as “people of no color.” One of those things that make you go “hmmm” or a WTF moment.
African Americans have been called everything but the child of Yahweh/God. We have been labeled “Nigga”, “Boy”; (no matter how old you are), “Girl” (no matter how old you are) “Negro”, “Coon”, “Black”, African American”, and now “people of color”. So everyone that is brown/black/light skin, is now “people of color”. That means no cultural, no nationality. Just “people of color”.
History does repeat. Man/women are repeating history. That being said, they might as well just start calling Black folks, “colored folks” or “the coloreds”. Wait the back in the day terms when we REALLY din’t have any rights as a human being. What’s the difference?
What the media needs to start doing is respect the differences. This melting pot shit is too much.
We are not People of color. We are not “colored folks”. We are “African Americans” which should have been recognized as “Black Hebrews”, (for some, not all black folks) but I digress.
In essence. Do not try to change us!
When is enough too much? Here is what we want everyone to do. Every news media source, universities, talk show hosts, EVERYONE who refers to us as people of color, then we should stop patronizing them. I want you all to start listing who it is, to inform all the readers to stop patronizing them. That’s it. Let’s be far-reaching and call them out, and stop patronizing them, but let’s publish who they are. We can do this.
Written by: Versie C. McClay Chatman. Reposted. May 18, 2021. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2021 Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere (BEWARE),™ LLC