I am no expert on self-defense. However, the “key” suggestion below, is what I learned in a self-defense class. The other safety tips are my own common sense measures I use. I am in no way promoting violence. Self-defense should only be used as a self-defense measure. Black Women and girls are disappearing at startling rates. That being said, it stands to reason that we began to take Black Women’s Safety, as well as our childrens’ safety seriously. In saying that I mean we should take protective measures to stop us from continually becoming victims.
No one is coming to help us. There will be no white feminists group marching on our behalf. There will be no illegal immigrants, Hispanics, a/k/a Latinos speaking out or standing up on our behalf. Let’s face the truth. It is just us, for us (“JUFU”). No one is coming to help us.From our ancestral slavery until now, Black women have never been protected. We are the most unprotected, and unrespected women on earth. While everyone steals our attributes, and hold their feminist movements, black women’s issues, from slavery until now are not part of their plan.
Together We Stand. We have to unite, and take a Black Women togetherness stand together. We have a common enemy i.e., those that want to make us victims. With this togetherness safety approach, we can stop ourselves, as well as our children from being THEIR next victim. Together We Stand to protect ourselves.
Protecting ourselves and our children. We have to learn to keep our head in a swivel i.e., always looking around. If an attacker or snatcher is a man, go for his testicles. Reach back, grab your attacker by the balls. Hold tight, and twist them as hard as you can. Don’t worry about the pain you will inflict. Just consider the pain they will inflict on you. Your aim is to get home safely and unharmed. Twist as hard as you can.Whatever you have in your hand use it as a defense. If you have some keys, use force and scrape them across your attacker’s eyes. Your objective is to get home and away safe, by any means necessary. You have to get the edge you need.As Black Women we have to learn weaponry. If someone pulls a gun on you, you have to learn to react quickly to possibly disarm the attacker, or get the hell away. You also have to be able to get your weapon in seconds. Not unzipping your purse. You have to be ready.Black Women and Girls, we have to get to the art of self-defense. Oftimes, these classes are not offered in our communities. Get a petition going, whereby police stations in your area or surrounding areas, hold classes for the community to teach you and your children, the art of self-defense. Get local churches in your community to give back by holding self-defense classes for the Black women and children in the neighborhood. Learn and master the art of self-defense. You need to learn how to defend yourself in all kinds of different situations. In your home, as well as outside of your home.Black Women, as well as our children need to begin to carry a whistle as well. Wal-Mart is one of the stores that carry emergency whistles. Give these to your children, and carry one yourselves. Give them a fighting chance. When they see danger, teach them to start running and blow the hell out of that whistle. Teach them STRANGER is DANGER. Do not trust anything a stranger says. Stay arm’s length distance away from a stranger. If a stranger is waiting for them to pass them. Cross over to the other side of the street. Do not go anywhere with a stranger, no matter what lie they say. Teach our children!!! BLOW THAT WHISTLE WHILE RUNNING!!!! Teach your children that no one is to touch them inappropriately!!!!
For our Black Children. We know they cannot carry weaponry. Get one of those old fashioned link chains from the Hardware stores that we use to carry our keys on. Put some old keys on there for them. We know as a child you can’t make sense of this, but your aim is to get away. When you see anyone getting to close to you. RUN! Just take off running. Stranger means danger. RUN AND BLOW THAT DAMN WHISTLE! That will alert people. Noise attracts attention.