Just a month ago . . .
Just a month ago, what were we doing? For the most part, we were enjoying our freedom, and to a certain degree; living life normally. Still others were living life to the fullest. We could go to the mall, any store of our choosing, churches, hospitals and funerals, etc. We could hold funeral services to bury our dead according to our cultural customs. We could meet and greet, as well as walk into any store, at any time. We could buy as much of one item as we wanted. We could go to Sam’s Club, Gordon Food Service “GFS” or any other warehouse type store, and buy in bulk. In addition to that, we also could walk into any store and stand in a line, without being regulated to a maximum of ten. Social distancing was not even popularized. People automatically knew not to get to close to another person. This in an effort to allow that person their personal space. We could enjoy family night together outside of the home. We could sit and eat at our favorite restaurants with whomever we wanted. There was not a 10 person maximum. We could go pick up our own orders. Ironically, the only difference between one month ago, and now was that gasoline prices were extremely higher than at the writing of this article. Go figure. Sidebar: It almost makes you wonder if our government a/k/a the powers that be knew we would not be able to travel to take advantage of the lower prices) . . .
Anywho, we could go where we wanted to go, and when we wanted to go. Tissue paper wasn’t a commodity to hoard a month ago. No signs were on some business doors stating: “only 1 person per household”, and we were within our constitutional rights to buy guns. Gun shops were not closed, nor were liquor stores. For the most part, liquor kills germs if it gets down to that, so go figure.
Then poof . . .
Then poof ….. in the blink of an eye everything changed. We went from in my opinion, a flu that morph into a Pandemic. The progression of this flu could have been slowed down and/or halted by something as simple as a mask, and using proper hygiene. Of course we are aware not to be around sick folks. Suffice to say, we know that sick folks should not to be around the general public if they have colds and/or flu like symptoms.
As a result of a flu, we were driven or forced into a Pandemic. We went from hugging to what is now termed “social distancing”. Whatever happened to staying out of a persons personal space? Isn’t respecting a persons’ personal space the same as “social distancing”? Now we clean everything an innumerable amount of times. We use hand sanitizers as if they are soap. We seem to have forgotten the fact that overuse of hand sanitizers may weaken our immune system. Click on link below.
However, like sheep to slaughter we do what the media has conditioned us to do. That is: everything the media says do with no thought to critical thinking.
From freedom to confinement
In the blink of an eye, we went from freedom to confinement in our own homes. Some homes have little to no ventilation. What’s more, many of us are not equipped to live together continuously without going out, or to coin a phrase “get some air”. Everything that we took for granted has been shut down and/or stopped. The Malls. Sports. A walk in the park. Sitting in a restaurant. Everything. Even school for our children has ceased, and their caregivers were not provided with any tools to home school their children. Going to school was a routine that our children have done for majority of their young lives. Now it has suddenly stopped. Our children are losing their socialization skills, and being cut off from the very thing they cherish. Their childhood friends. These same children have no outlet to burn off energy, and now they are relegated to stay at home.
Unemployment will hit an all time high. It may be comparable to the Great Depression. What are people going to do? They can no longer afford to keep a roof over their heads or their family. What about the car payments that they will no longer be able to pay? All of the basic necessities depending on how long this draws out they will not be able to afford. A stimulus check won’t be able to fix the damage that has been done. Some small businesses, and business alike will not be able to recover from this.
Click on html link below:
I am scratching my head trying to make sense of why would the powers that be want to close gun shops; especially since these same powers that be have caused this chaos? Why would anyone in government not want their citizens to protect themselves? On second thought, I digress. I do know why. Question is. Do you?
Can you image what will happen when we can’t even protect our families. In addition, add the ratio of police to public citizens, and it is almost like a no win situation. Police may find themselves unable to help law abiding citizens against criminals, not to mention the new criminals the law and chaos created.
As the government would have it, if we dare go against the powers that be a/k/a this regime, we will be hit with a misdemeanor and/or jailed. Then we will have a record. A government created criminal. Read the chaos in California below:
“. . . The clarification brought a modicum of order to what has been a patchwork of local responses, some specific, some less so. In Alameda, Santa Clara and Placer counties, plumbers, auto mechanics and laundromats are exempt; bars and sit-down restaurants, not. In Sacramento County, officials said violation of its shelter-in-place directive would be a misdemeanor. . .”
Source: https://www.abc10.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/essential-jobs-california/103-47318067-14f3-4dab-8a6b-ae0238bcdb0f
Now the powers that be a/k/a the government have commissioned that the citizens of the good ole US of America should only have two people in the household. What in the hell does the Coronavirus have anything to do with family size? In addition to all of that, we have to be in the house by a certain time unless we are deemed “essential workers”. In my opinion, everyone employed is an “essential worker”. They are essential because they have to feed their families, as well as themselves, and pay their bills. What’s next? The concentration camps? It is beginning to look a lot like New World Order. Now we are forced fed the news. THe news has always been depressing but now 24/7 they bring us bullshit, and play on fears while they hammer into our heads how to conduct ourselves.
Question: Since our curfew is after 5 pm, you telling me that we can only get or give the Cornavirus before 5pm?
So now our government declared a pandemic. (sidebar: it wasn’t just President Trump. It was all of them; both Democrats and Republicans. Suffice to say, some of our
legislatures throw bricks and hide their hands or blame each others’ party affiliation) This game of point the finger at each other in public is tiring to watch and hear. At any rate, just like that we have to stay at home.
Now we practice hygiene by washing our hands, which is something we should have been doing all along. Remember the old saying “cleanliness is next to godliness”. Now the government wants to put a limit on how many people can live in your household. The government is dividing our own families. Ironically, the democrats fought not to divide illegal immigrants families, but to hell with ours, but I digress. Some of us were raised on the premise that “a family that prays together stays together.”
It appears that this government a/k/a rulling body has crossed all kinds of lines into our personal lives. We cannot go to church anymore. They want it televised. We cannot go to a funerals anymore. We cannot enjoy our lives. First ebola, swine flu, and now a fancy name for the flu a/k/a coronavirus? I guess gun violence wasn’t cutting it?
Some people de-stressed amongst family and friends. Now we can’t even do that.
I wonder how long will this madness continue since the summer is coming? Can this Pandemic truly live in the heat? Or is this the beginning of the end? This Pandemic has literally scared the b-jesus out of some people and confined people to their homes, while destroying their livelihood. This Pandemic is producing what sociologist term “Anomie”.
“Anomie is a social condition in which there is a disintegration or disappearance of the norms and values that were previously common to the society. The concept, thought of as “normlessness,” was developed by the founding sociologist, Émile Durkheim. He discovered, through research, that anomie occurs during and follows periods of drastic and rapid changes to the social, economic, or political structures of society. It is, per Durkheim’s view, a transition phase wherein the values and norms common during one period are no longer valid, but new ones have not yet evolved to take their place.
A Feeling of Disconnection
People who lived during periods of anomie typically feel disconnected from their society because they no longer see the norms and values that they hold dear reflected in society itself. This leads to the feeling that one does not belong and is not meaningfully connected to others. For some, this may mean that the role they play (or played) and their identity is no longer valued by society. Because of this, anomie can foster the feeling that one lacks purpose, engender hopelessness, and encourage deviance and crime. . .”
Here is my point. Why didn’t the government just tell us to wear masks at the onset of this and at this point in time as well? Did they or do they not realize shutting us down, and overturning our lives will not make this go away or slow the progression, only a damn mask will. When they address the country on televised updates, they themselves don’t even practice social distancing. On some news channel, they are not practicing social distancing; they have the same close seating arrangements they did before Coronavirus. Come on now.
ThoughtCo / Derek Abella
By: Ashley Crossman – Updated July 02, 2019
What is the Coronavirus?
Ironically, according to the CDC, there is no information on “What is the Coronavirus?” The only thing the CDC states is “Prevention, and Symptoms.” See link below:
Let’s take a look at the symptoms of the Coronavirus: According to the CDC, the symptoms are described as follows:
“Watch for symptoms
Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases.
These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure (based on the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses).
Shortness of breath . . .”
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html
What are the precautions of keeping it at bay? According to the CDC the precautions are as follows:
“Know How it Spreads
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.”
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html
Take a look at the way it spreads according to the CDC:
“The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.”
Basically CDC says that if an INFECTED person cough or sneezes the droplets can land in the mouth or noses of people and be inhaled into the lungs.
So instead of declaring a Pandemic, a simple solution would have been to order everyone to wear masks until further notice. Right.
Let’s see how Tubercolosis is spread
“How is TB spread?
Tuberculosis is spread through the air when a person with untreated TB disease of the lungs coughs, sneezes, laughs, or sings.”
Tuberculosis (TB) -health.ny.gov
“Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria that spread from person to person through microscopic droplets released into the air. This can happen when someone with the untreated, active form of tuberculosis coughs, speaks, sneezes, spits, laughs or sings. Although tuberculosis is contagious, …”
Source: Tuberculosis – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic mayoclinic.org
Now let’s see how the flu is spread
According to the CDC, the flu is spread by:
“How Flu Spreads. Most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths
or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly their eyes.”
Key Facts About Influenza (Flu) | CDC
So there you have it. All are spread the same way. So I ask you. Do you think declaring a Pandemic will eventually lead to an infringement allowing the American citizens to lose our freedoms and constitutional rights? Why declare a Pandemic, shut down cities and schools, produce massive unemployment that can ultimately lead to a depression?
Let’s go on:
Now according to the CDC.gov/covid-19
“ . . . Cases of COVID-19 Reported in the US, by Source of Exposure*†
Cases of COVID-19 Reported in the US, by Source of Exposure | |
Travel-related | 449 |
Close contact | 539 |
Under investigation | 32,416 |
Total cases | 33,404 |
* Data include both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 reported to CDC or tested at CDC since January 21, 2020, with the exception of testing results for persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China and Japan. State and local public health departments are now testing and publicly reporting their cases. In the event of a discrepancy between CDC cases and cases reported by state and local public health officials, data reported by states should be considered the most up to date.
CDC is no longer reporting the number of persons under investigation (PUIs) that have been tested, as well as PUIs that have tested negative. Now that states are testing and reporting their own results, CDC’s numbers are not representative of all testing being done nationwide. . . .”
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html
Look at the figures above, and why would such a high number i.e., 32,416 be under investigation. Makes absolutely no sense. Seems more like a snow job to me.
In my humble opinion the Coronavirus is nothing more than the flu. That’s it. Here is something to think about as well. The flu season will be over March/April. Isn’t it ironic how they can predict this Pandemic to be over about the same time the flu season is over. May 1st. One of those things that make me go hummm. There is no statistical data, research or anything for that matter that has been produced that say that the Coronavirus will stop. I am not talking about the media mouth pieces that pass along information for the sake of blowing smoke up our butts. The only other explanation is that the flu season is over March/April. But wait. You may be forced to take a get this….. Coronavirus vaccination, that they are supposedly working around the clock on right.
Ironically, the Coronavirus could stop being spread with simple cleanliness. Wash your hands. Use bleach and disinfect to clean. Clean up behind yourselves. Keeping a good distance from each other. They now call it social distancing. Don’t go around anyone sick, and most importantly wash your damn hands. That is it. Something people should have been doing anyway.
What is at stake here
The American freedom is at stake for the sake of a “Pandemic” and/or the flu. They have shut down our lives. Induced “Stay at Home” orders. Now you have to be an essential worker to go out to work. Do they want to pounce on the fears of the people in an effort to force the American people to take a vaccination for a virus that may replicate itself? Isn’t that what viruses do?
I wonder if all those people who took flu shots, are immune to the Coronavirus, or worst yet, more susceptible?
Now the “DOJ Wants to Suspend Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency”
Politricks as usual
Politricks as usual. Ask yourself. What in the hell does a virus have to do with our constitutional rights? Makes no sense. Politicians, and their lobbyist seem to have personal interests and ultimate control issues. This government always wants to felonize and criminalize its citizen for little to nothing. Now if you are outside of the curfew times, and are not a essential worker; then a misdemeanor will be issued for those outside of their homes. Tell me this isn’t beginning to look a lot like New World Order.
Adding insult to injury
To add insult to injury, Americans have been put through hell and back. Now we have been reduced to poverty, and still these governing bodies what to put illegal immigrants first. Bullshit in government or self interest never ceases to amaze me. Now this government wants to give us for over a month of losses one thousand dollars in a stimulus check.
One thousand dollars cannot even make a dent in the damage that has been done. As citizens, let’s think. We have lawmakers who are supposedly governing this country. You would think that they would be looking out for the welfare of its citizens. Does not seem like it. Seems like they are doing more harm than good. Would it be too farfetched to believe that in order to appear to protect the people they have to destroy them first. Once that mission is accomplished then they can come back and pretend to help them? Worst yet by taking away their freedom it makes it easier to control the people, by any means necessary.
Come on now, they have shut down the citizens entire way of being and life, and now they are dictating how the citizens should not respond. I mean who puts in an executive order to stop hoarding? Was it hoarding, or did they foresee that the items they stocked up on would be the ones they could no longer afford with no means of income.
What in the hell did they expect? Don’t these lawmakers and politicians know that the fear they are spreading through their news, and biased news media creates panic, and panic creates hoarding. Don’t they know that if a person has a family who now must stay in the house and use more of the household items, there will be a shortage, and who knows when they will be able to get anything else, as now they have no jobs? So we have lawmakers, and politicians that create chaos; then made laws to stop the behaviors their chaos caused.
Let’s go a bit further, now this government BOTH Republicans and Democrats have declared a Pandemic. In my opinion, since I still have freedom of speech it appears to be a social experiment. Training day, so to speak for what is about to come. Don’t get this twisted; this is not one party over the other. This is both parties. Remember that. It was both parties with Ebola virus. It was both parties with all viruses. In my opinion pretty much the only thing that the Democrats will stand up for is illegal immigrants and their rights. Ironically, no one can pinpoint this Pandemic. China really. I was surprised they did not say Africa.
Remember now, President Clinton signed the NAFTA bill. You know the one that put Americans out of work and gave full rein to China. Suffice to say, majority of all goods are made in China.
Let me refresh your memory here: Click on the link below:
It never ceases to amaze me that these viruses come about during elections.
Aside from the conspiracy theories or the new world order theorists; one has to wonder when you see all this mayhem taking place; is this another governmental way to take our rights away and reduce the population? Or is this training day for what is about to happen to the American people. A trial run so speak. Or is it really the result of 5g?
Rockefeller put it another way in 1915:
In ending, ironically, there was a video on youtube that put made a correlation between the 5g towers and the Coronavirus. Unfortunately in this youtube and Facebook, along with Amazon controlling era, it was BANNED. Get this, in the good old US of A, these three giants are banning people. This is beginning to look a lot like Hitler. Youtube claim to delete the video because it was false. what we can and cannot say, so youtube deleted the video under guise of it not being true.
Also in ending, let me leave you with this, and this is very important. You see the good ole US of A has a patent for the Coronavirus. Don’t believe
Look at this. The Coronavirus has a US patent. Click on the link below. Go figure.