Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere, BEWARE, LLC is an online activism site that addresses systemic racism, laws, policies and/or procedures that adversely effect African Americans.  Our mission is to exercise our equal justice rights, as well as our First Amendment freedoms online.  Online activism is less expensive, and with the influence of social media is far-reaching. 

The mission of Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere, BEWARE is to advocate for the amendment and/or abolishment of laws, policies, and/or procedures  that were purposely geared to do more harm than good to African Americans.  In addition,  if these laws, policies, and/or procedures continue they will continue to cause irreparable harm to the black communities nationwide.   Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere,  BEWARE  will use  online petitioning campaigns in an effort to gather support for the amendment and/or abolishment of these laws, policies, and/or procedures.    The  premise for online petitioning is  based on our constitutional right to petition the government for redress.  

As citizens we have:

“the right of petition as expressly set out in the First Amendment:

“Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people … to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
— from the First Amendment”

Using our First Amendment right, Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere, BEWARE will be able to (1) generate attention; and (2) gain momentum around various issues so that lawmakers will redress these laws, policies and/or procedures.  

Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere, BEWARE  will also use the various campaigns to grow our list of advocates. 

Sidebar: Please take a moment and go to Youtube to watch “Black Panthers Revisited” This is a short documentary, that shows the life and struggles of African Americans some 50 years ago.  You can then compare it to 2021.

The video can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/qGZpDt6OYnI

“Those Who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It.” 

By:  George Santayana

  • Black Educated Women Against Racism Everywhere, BEWARE, LLC  acknowledges and gives credit to LogoMakr for the Hands logo image

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